Stories by Grace:

"I'm Not Gonna Let Ya Go"
A Kid Blink story in which he's the night in shining armor for a damsel in distress named Laurel Harris
Grace's First Series
A six-story series that involves Jack, Spot and two girls, one named Ann, who's running from something, and the other named Lindsey who's having a little trouble with the East River
"To Peek Behind the Headlines"
The girl that Race meets in this story is a little different than the others and Race learns what growing up will mean for him.
Grace's Second Series
Who knows how long this one will go on? As long as the ideas keep coming, the fingers keep typing.....
"So This Is Your Santa Fe" (unfinished)
Jack, Race, Blink, and Mush all go to Santa Fe and of course meet some interesting *smiles* people.
"When Love Is Blind"
This story belongs to Mush. It's a story about how true love can prevail against any form of physical disadvantage.
"Let Me Let Go"
This is a sequel to the story above, "When Love Is Blind"
"I May Know The Word"
This is Specs' story and I really can't summarize it. Claud says it's melancholy, which it is, but it has a happy ending (the very, very end, I promise!!!)
"When Help Isn't Asked For"
This is David's story, mostly written because I'm getting a little tired of all the Denton/David things, funny as they were in the beginning.....
"Only Passing Through"
This is Bumlets' story where he meets Medda's niece, Joy, who's a ballet dancer and Joy's mother, the overbearing manager of her daughter's career
"Melting A Heart Of Ice"
This is Skittery's story where he and a neighbor of the Jacobs', Lorelei, become just a tad closer...
"A Simple White Lie" (unfinished)
Dutchy's story, where he meets Noelle Curant by a sudden turn of events and life becomes a lot more complicated

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