- "I'm Not Gonna Let Ya Go"
- A Kid Blink story in which he's the night in shining armor for a damsel in distress named Laurel Harris
- Grace's First Series
- A six-story series that involves Jack, Spot and two girls, one named Ann, who's running from something, and the other named Lindsey who's having a little trouble with the East River
- "To Peek Behind the Headlines"
- The girl that Race meets in this story is a little different than the others and Race learns what growing up will mean for him.
- Grace's Second Series
- Who knows how long this one will go on? As long as the ideas keep coming, the fingers keep typing.....
- "So This Is Your Santa Fe" (unfinished)
- Jack, Race, Blink, and Mush all go to Santa Fe and of course meet some interesting *smiles* people.
- "When Love Is Blind"
- This story belongs to Mush. It's a story about how true love can prevail against any form of physical disadvantage.
- "Let Me Let Go"
- This is a sequel to the story above, "When Love Is Blind"
- "I May Know The Word"
- This is Specs' story and I really can't summarize it. Claud says it's melancholy, which it is, but it has a happy ending (the very, very end, I promise!!!)
- "When Help Isn't Asked For"
- This is David's story, mostly written because I'm getting a little tired of all the Denton/David things, funny as they were in the beginning.....
- "Only Passing Through"
- This is Bumlets' story where he meets Medda's niece, Joy, who's a ballet dancer and Joy's mother, the overbearing manager of her daughter's career
- "Melting A Heart Of Ice"
- This is Skittery's story where he and a neighbor of the Jacobs', Lorelei, become just a tad closer...
- "A Simple White Lie" (unfinished)
- Dutchy's story, where he meets Noelle Curant by a sudden turn of events and life becomes a lot more complicated